Tag Archives: chocolate

It’s a Nice Day for a White Wedding Dress: Heart-Shaped Wedding Dress and Tuxedo Cookies

29 Jul

Despite the fact that I own upwards of 500 cookie cutters, when I decided to make wedding-themed cookies for an engagement party I decided to forgo the wedding cake and dress cutters and opt for the simple heart shape.  I had initially wanted to use my tuxedo and wedding dress stencils, but the cutter made a cookie larger than I would have liked.  I opted instead to pipe the design myself.

While the shape is simple, the possibilities for designs are endless.

Wedding party conga line!

View the entire edible collection, with some step-by-step instructions, below.

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Best in Show: Sweet and Salty Chocolate Pie

10 Jun

And now, we blog.

Last year, I came across a pie baking contest just a few hours from our house. Since I enjoy baking, I decided to enter on a whim. Happily, I was surprised with a first place blue ribbon for my strawberry pie.

This year, I decided to enter again. Initially, I was disappointed when all the blue ribbons were announced that I was not a winner.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when they announced my pie as the Best in Show, the award for best overall pie entry!  The Sweet and Salty Chocolate Pie was a purple-ribbon-winner.

The completed pie.

My pie was inspired by a chocolate and salty caramel layer cake I made a few months back. It has a unique crust of crust potato chips and melted semisweet chocolate. Filled with a French silk chocolate mousse-style filling, topped with sea salt flakes, and garnished with chocolate-dipped whole potato chips.  It is an indulgent treat.

The recipe is below the jump.

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